Are you ready for some good news? You’ve come farther than you think. Don’t give up now because, by God’s grace you’ve come farther than you realize! Join guest speaker Alan Wright as he gives a moving message about Forward Progress through God's blessing and worship. Text: Josh 1:1-9 You’re more than a conqueror in Christ! There’s more territory to take. There’s a lot of the promised land that you have not yet occupied, but don’t dare give up now because you have come farther than you think. By God’s grace, you can keep moving forward. It is tempting to feel overwhelmed or despaired when you focus on how much farther there is to go. But you’ve grown more spiritually than you realize- you have some spiritual resources in you that you didn’t use to have! You have some wisdom now that you didn’t use to have. You have some steel in your soul that didn’t use to be there. You know some people that you didn’t use to know. You understand the power of the Gospel more than you once did. You might be battle weary. You might be pandemic impatient. You might be unsure how you are going to take the next step – but, today, I believe God wants you to see how far you have come. I give you an invitation to focus on your forward progress! - Moses is dead: Have you noticed that the Lord doesn’t usually speak in euphemisms like we do? I note the direct speech here – not “Moses has entered my presence now” or “Moses has lived a full life and has departed” not “Moses has passed away” – just plain: Moses is dead. Joshua 1:1–2 (ESV) — 1 After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ assistant, 2 “Moses my servant is dead. Now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them, to the people of Israel. You’re Qualified: The reason that God started his motivational speech , Moses is dead, is that God needed Joshua to accept, 100%, that he was the man of the hour – that Joshua was 100% qualified for the conquest. It is impossible to move forward into a promised land if we remain attached to the means by which we got there! Moses is dead – but you’re not. It’s time to move forward. You can think about all the land you’ve yet to conquer – all the ways you haven’t matured in the Lord as much as you are going to, all the prayers that have not yet been manifested, all the healing that is still to come – and if that’s the focus, that’s where your heart and attitude will be, or you can focus on the forward progress. Future and Past meet: Unusual blending of future tense and past tense - Every place you will (future) step – I have given (past). There is a way with God that something can be already secured for you, but not yet appropriated by you. It is possible that he went to the cross for you and secured heaven for you, but you haven’t yet stepped into heaven. Heaven has been given you, but you haven’t stepped onto the streets of gold yet. You will, it is yours, but you just haven’t walked it out yet. It is possible that he went to the cross so that you would be healed – He bought it, He paid for it, but maybe you haven’t stepped into it yet. It is possible that he became your curse, and bought you every blessing – but that doesn’t meant that you have stepped your foot on everyone of those blessings. Spiritual growth depends on you walking out, step by step, blessings that have already been secured for you! Conclusion: Moses changed Joshua’s name – it was originally Hoshea – means “salvation” but he changed it to Yahoshea – or Yashua – if you put his name into Greek, it is Iesous – Which is the name Jesus. When you accept Christ, you become a beneficiary of the entirety of the spiritual inheritance that He came to restore! #DontGiveUp#JesusDiedForYou - Default - 33_6295966da89f1

Dont Give Up Now God Will Push You Forward

Dont Give Up Now God Will Push You Forward

2 years
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Are you ready for some good news? You’ve come farther than you think. Don’t give up now because, by God’s grace you’ve come farther than you realize! Join guest speaker Alan Wright as he gives a moving message about Forward Progress through God's blessing and worship. Text: Josh 1:1-9 You’re more than a conqueror in Christ! There’s more territory to take. There’s a lot of the promised land that you have not yet occupied, but don’t dare give up now because you have come farther than you think. By God’s grace, you can keep moving forward. It is tempting to feel overwhelmed or despaired when you focus on how much farther there is to go. But you’ve grown more spiritually than you realize- you have some spiritual resources in you that you didn’t use to have! You have some wisdom now that you didn’t use to have. You have some steel in your soul that didn’t use to be there. You know some people that you didn’t use to know. You understand the power of the Gospel more than you once did. You might be battle weary. You might be pandemic impatient. You might be unsure how you are going to take the next step – but, today, I believe God wants you to see how far you have come. I give you an invitation to focus on your forward progress! - Moses is dead: Have you noticed that the Lord doesn’t usually speak in euphemisms like we do? I note the direct speech here – not “Moses has entered my presence now” or “Moses has lived a full life and has departed” not “Moses has passed away” – just plain: Moses is dead. Joshua 1:1–2 (ESV) — 1 After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ assistant, 2 “Moses my servant is dead. Now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them, to the people of Israel. You’re Qualified: The reason that God started his motivational speech , Moses is dead, is that God needed Joshua to accept, 100%, that he was the man of the hour – that Joshua was 100% qualified for the conquest. It is impossible to move forward into a promised land if we remain attached to the means by which we got there! Moses is dead – but you’re not. It’s time to move forward. You can think about all the land you’ve yet to conquer – all the ways you haven’t matured in the Lord as much as you are going to, all the prayers that have not yet been manifested, all the healing that is still to come – and if that’s the focus, that’s where your heart and attitude will be, or you can focus on the forward progress. Future and Past meet: Unusual blending of future tense and past tense - Every place you will (future) step – I have given (past). There is a way with God that something can be already secured for you, but not yet appropriated by you. It is possible that he went to the cross for you and secured heaven for you, but you haven’t yet stepped into heaven. Heaven has been given you, but you haven’t stepped onto the streets of gold yet. You will, it is yours, but you just haven’t walked it out yet. It is possible that he went to the cross so that you would be healed – He bought it, He paid for it, but maybe you haven’t stepped into it yet. It is possible that he became your curse, and bought you every blessing – but that doesn’t meant that you have stepped your foot on everyone of those blessings. Spiritual growth depends on you walking out, step by step, blessings that have already been secured for you! Conclusion: Moses changed Joshua’s name – it was originally Hoshea – means “salvation” but he changed it to Yahoshea – or Yashua – if you put his name into Greek, it is Iesous – Which is the name Jesus. When you accept Christ, you become a beneficiary of the entirety of the spiritual inheritance that He came to restore! #DontGiveUp#JesusDiedForYou

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